It’s almost here. After many months of watching GDPR getting steadily closer and closer, it’s now just around the corner. If you have been viewing it with a sense of inescapable doom, rather as you would a tornado on the horizon that you couldn’t outrun, then you can stop worrying and relax.
Yes, GDPR is complex and compliance is obligatory, but that doesn’t mean it should be a problem for anyone as long as they take the right advice and act now.
The issue of electronic payslips in relation to GDPR has been a cause for concern because the new laws do not make categorical statements about what is and what isn’t permitted. Can you still email payslips or can’t you? But regardless of the new laws, should you be emailing payslips? Is it secure? The answer has to be no and that’s why data protection laws have changed – to protect us from the risks posed by the increasing digitalisation of our world.
The answer to both GDPR compliance and the security of payslip distribution is already here. Epayslipsecure is a multi-format payslip and employee communication web portal that integrates seamlessly with any existing payroll software, allowing for any organisation to comply with GDPR without disruption to existing services or costly software upgrades.
This technology allows personal data and sensitive information to be processed according to best practice and without the risk of data breaches, fraud and reputational damage. As well as payslips, the service allows for the secure delivery of P60’s, P11D’s, timesheets, holiday & sickness records – in fact, anything that employee and employer need to share without risk of exposure to anyone but the individual concerned.
So far from being an onerous burden, the need to comply with GDPR is actually a great opportunity for companies to evolve and modernise.